Thursday, February 7, 2019


"For last year's words belong to last year's language and next years word awaits another voice. To make and end is to make a new beginning"

For the past years, I am not giving all my best on all the things that I do. Because I only depend on what God had planned for me. I do not do any actions. I always lie down and relax and let the things go according on what is planned. I am so shy that even if I already know the answer, I will not raise my hand. I have never been that much serious with my studies. I have done so many things that are not necessary. I have hurt so many feelings even if that was not my intention. I tend to say bad words all the time. I am very insecure. I have so many insecurities. Last year, me and my father had a fight because of my bad attitude. And that was the very first time that he got angry to me. And I was so devastated and lost because I do not know what to do anymore. I disrespected him and I hated myself because of that. For the past years, i have done and said so many things that are very bad and disrespecting.

I have realized that I must change my bad attitude. I want to be the newer version of my self. The better one. The one who is brave enough to raise her hand. The one who is eager to study and be serious with it because I know that studying is very essential in one's life. The one who wants to do all things that can be done as much as possible. The one who is sensitive enough to know whether my words or actions are hurting somebody's feeling.

So this 2019, I will be the newer version of myself. I will not be the one who has many insecurities. I will truly accept myself even with my flaws and imperfections. I will be the one who worships God with my whole heart. New year, newly me.


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